The Laboratory for Trans-border Cooperation on Green Concrete was created in 2020 as a recognition of a long-standing collaboration between the universities and several research centres from Bordeaux and the Basque Country.
The strategic objective of the LTC-Green Concrete is catalysing the research carried out within the Euroregion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra in the field of cement-based materials science and technology, with the aim of becoming a European reference on this field.
The LTC-Green Concrete is also part of the LTC-Sarea, created in 2021 to enhance the multi-disciplinary collaboration between the members of all the LTCs, and participates actively in other collaboration initiatives like the ENLIGHT European University.
The Laboratory for Trans-border Cooperation on Green Concrete, based in the Euroregion Nouvelle-Aquitaine Euskadi Navarra, is composed of researchers from:
- CyVi-UBx
- Polymat
The launch of the LTC-Green Concrete seeks to strengthen the research links between the parties in order to take advantage of synergies between them and to reach critical masses in the agreed scientific and technological areas. It aims to increase the level of the research results in terms of their impact in the business world and society in general.
The LTC-Green Concrete was created with the ambition to grow and extend to other agents and fields of action, aiming for the results of the research to have a greater impact.
The activities contemplated in the LTC are focused on the following areas:
- Increase scientific production in terms of impact publications and Industrial Property assets developed in collaboration between the parties.
- Find ways to transfer the knowledge and technology generated in the LTC to the industrial network of our environment, mainly through the promotion of projects and activities of applied research and / or experimental development in collaboration with companies, completing the value chain of the research carried out and to achieve in this way an additional economic impact derived.
- Value the importance of the Doctor’s Degree for technology management tasks carried out beyond the exclusively academic field.
- To attract suitable candidates for the realization of PhD, master and degree theses in the framework of the LTC.
- Contribute to the training of future professionals in the field of the LTC, through the Master of the UPV / EHU and Bordeaux universities.
- Establish international research collaborations with the partners of Enlight project together with recognised groups in the fields of Green Concrete science and technology.
- Attract funding from public funds intended to support research, especially through local and european programs.