Dr. Juan J. Gaitero


Deg. Physics (2002), PhD Materials Engineering (2008). Assistant professor of the Department of Physics of the University of the Basque Country since December 2023, he worked previously as senior researcher in the Construction Materials group of Tecnalia. Overall, he has more than 20 years of experience on the application of nanotechnology to the development of construction materials, and on research projects management. His main fields of expertise are cement composites, hydrothermal and supercritical fluid nanoparticles synthesis processes, and multi scale characterization techniques. 

He has taken part in many research project as coordinator:

and researcher:

  • Photonic Metaconcrete with Infrared RAdiative Cooling capacity for Large Energy savings (MIRACLE- 964450)
  • Integrated Porous Cementitious Nanocomposites in Non-Residential Building Envelopes for Green Active/Passive Energy Storage (NRG-Storage – 870114)

As results of his research Dr. Gaitero has published over 30 peer review papers and 2 patents. He has also taken part in many conferences all over the world and supervised 2 PhD theses.