FUNDING: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Proyectos de I+D+i Retos investigación 2018)
DURATION: 2019-2022
COORDINATORS: Juan J. Gaitero (TECNALIA) & Jorge S. Dolado (CSIC)
The ENDE project aims to show the ability of Non Destructive Evaluations NDEs to characterize concrete and detect and monitor cracks by on-site measurements. The project was focused on the mechanical and thermal stresses for concrete of nuclear power plant
FUNDING: Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Proyectos de I+D+i Retos investigación 2018)
DURATION: 2019-2022
COORDINATORS: Juan J. Gaitero (TECNALIA) & Jorge S. Dolado (CSIC)
FUNDING: Horizon2020
DURATION: 2018-2021
COORDINATOR: Maria Mosquera (Univ. Cádiz)
FUNDING: Horizon2020
DURATION: 2020-2024
COORDINATOR: Eddie Koenders (TU Darmstadt)
FUNDING: HORIZON-AG – HORIZON Action Grant Budget-Based
DURATION: 2022-2026
FUNDING: ELKARTEK, Basque Government
DURATION: 2021-2022
COORDINATOR: Iñigo Mendikoa (Tecnalia)
FUNDING: EITRawMaterials
DURATION: 2020-2022
COORDINATOR: Guido Sonnemann (University of Bordeaux)
DURATION: 2021-2025
Functional POROus centitious nanocomposites for heat storage in buildings using Phase Change Materials
The objective of this project is to valorize dredged sediments in ecological concrete. Green geopolymerised sediments will be used for public and construction works
The project aims to understanding the aqueous copolymerization of HPEG and acrylic acid (AA) to produce homogeneous HPEG-type superplasticizers. The reactivity ratios of the monomers, the kinetics of the copolymerization and development of the molar mass distribution will be studied and a mathematical model of the copolymerization will be developed. The model will be use to generate optimal addition profiles of the monomers to produce HPEG-type PCEs with targeted compositions and molar mass distributions.
COMPANY: Chryso (France)
DURATION: 2021-2025
FUNDING: Horizon Europe
DURATION: 2022-2025
COORDINATOR: Thilo Bein (Fraunhofer)
The environmental footprint of cement composites comes from three sources: CO2 emissions, energy demand and consumption of raw materials. The main contributor to the first one is the clinkerization process itself that involves high temperatures and the decarbonation of raw materials. Over the years, cement producers have made an important effort to improve the efficiency of the process, but they are arriving at a point where further improvement is no longer possible without a technological breakthrough. The activities of the LTC in this matter will focus mainly in the development of alternative production methods, like microwave clinkerization or hydrothermal treatments, and the improvement of clinker itself by the activation of less reactive phases or the promotion of the most reactive ones.
Cement composites are really awesome. First, they are very cheap and can be produced almost anywhere in the world using solely local materials. In addition, upon mixing of the solid components (mainly cement and aggregates) with water, a fresh cement composite is obtained. In such state, the material can even be pumped to the top of a skyscraper where it will acquire the shape of the mold where it is poured in. And then, after some time the material will harden at ambient conditions without human intervention. But the best of all is that the properties of the fresh and hardened material as well as the time it takes to become rock-solid can be tuned almost at wish. Nonetheless the development of cement composites with improved performance (strength, toughness, durability, thermal stability, etc.) never stops and it will be one of the main objectives of the LTC. The same applies to the development of novel functionalities (electrical conductivity, sensing capacity, self-healing, thermal properties, energy harvesting, etc.). Not to forget two of the main drivers of the last and coming years in Europe, the reduction of the environmental impact (and its quantification) and the digitalization of the industrial processes that will also be considered.
Additions, admixtures and additives are added during the process of the production of the cement or the cement composites to improve their performance. Therefore, the concrete of the future cannot be conceived without the development of processes (like supercritical fluids) for the synthesis of additions and additives with new or improved properties. Special focus will be placed on the development of nano-enabled material (nanoparticles and nanostructured materials) and superplasticizers; although other products might also be considered.
Cement matrix is a truly multi-scale structure whose features at the lower levels (nano-scale) have a substantial effect in the highest ones (macro-scale), and in the macroscopic properties. Furthermore, it is a “living” material whose properties may evolve for years due to a combination of physical and chemical phenomena. As a consequence, a deep study of the matrix requires of the participation of multidisciplinary teams that combine expertise on sample preparation, multi-scale simulation techniques, engineering tests, materials’ characterization methods, and so on.